News & Blogs
Sigint contribution in R&D projects has produced a number of scientific publications and numerous technical reports in the area of radio propagation and radio planning for wireless systems. A number of scientific publications is included in this section
Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Giancarlo Fortino, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Sample size determination algorithm for fingerprint-based indoor localization systems. Computer Networks, 101:169177, 2016.
Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Antonio Liotta, Marios Raspopoulos, and Stavros Stavrou. A binomial distribution approach for the evaluation of indoor positioning systems. In Telecommunications (ICT), 2013 20th International Conference on, pages 14. IEEE, 2013.
Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Combining smart lighting and radio fingerprinting for improved indoor localization. In Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on, pages 447452. IEEE, 2017.
Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Fusing bluetooth beacon data with wi-fi radiomaps for improved indoor localization. Sensors, 17(4):812, 2017.
Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Quality of fingerprint radiomaps for positioning systems. In Telecommunications (ICT), 2017 24th International Conference on , pages 15. IEEE, 2017.
Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Marios Raspopoulos, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Improving RSS fingerprint -based localization using directional antennas. In Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2014 8th European Conference on, pages 15931597. IEEE, 2014.
Akis Kokkinis, Loizos Kanaris, Marios Raspopoulos, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Optimizing route prior knowledge for map-aided fingerprint-based positioning systems. In Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2014 8th European Conference on, pages 21412144. IEEE, 2014.
Akis Kokkinis, Aristodemos Paphitis, Loizos Kanaris, Charalampos Sergiou, and Stavros Stavrou. Physical and network layer interconnection module for realistic planning of IoT sensor networks. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, pages 201202. Junction Publishing, 2018.
Akis Kokkinis, Marios Raspopoulos, Loizos Kanaris, Antonio Liotta, and Stavros Stavrou. Map-aided fingerprint-based indoor positioning. In Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on, pages 270274. IEEE, 2013.
Marios Raspopoulos, Christos Laoudias, Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Christos G Panayiotou, and Stavros Stavrou. 3D ray tracing for device-independent fingerprint-based positioning in wlans. 2012.
Marios Raspopoulos, Christos Laoudias, Loizos Kanaris, Akis Kokkinis, Christos G Panayiotou, and Stavros Stavrou. Cross device fingerprint-based positioning using 3d ray tracing. In Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2012, 8th International, pages 147152. IEEE, 2012.
S. Mumtaz, K. M. S. Huq, J. Rodriguez, S. Ghosh, E. E. Ugwuanyi, M. Iqbal, T. Dagiuklas, S. Stavrou, L. Kanaris, I. D. Politis, A. Lykourgiotis, T.Chrysikos, P. Nakou, and P. Georgakopoulos. Self-organization towards reduced cost and energy per bit for future emerging radio technologies - sonnet. In 2017 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), pages 16, Dec 2017.
Stavrou, E. and Pitsillides, A. Security Evaluation Methodology for Intrusion Recovery Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks, 15th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM' 12, October 21-25, 2012, Paphos, Cyprus
Igor Arambasic, Marios Raspopoulos, Javier Casajus Quiros, Ivana Raos, Stavros Stavrou, "Self Positioning and mapping or rectangular rooms with sectorized narrowband antennas" (SoftCOM 2012), Split, September 2012
Mohamed Laaraiedh, Bernard Uguen, Julien Stephan, Yoann Corre, Yves Lostanlen, Marios Raspopoulos, Stavros Stavrou, "Ray Tracing-Based Radio Propagation Modeling for Indoor Localization Purposes", The International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks" (IEEE CAMAD 2012), Barcelona, September 2012.
Igor ARAMBASIC, Javier CASAJUS, Beno?t DENIS, Mathieu DES NOES, Mohamed LAARAIEDH, Bernard UGUEN, Julien STEPHAN, Yves LOSTANLEN, Marios RASPOPOULOS, Stavros STAVROU, Jimmy J. NIELSEN, Tatiana K. MADSEN, Diogo M. CONDEC ?O, Ronald RAULEFS,", ICT-Future Network and Mobile Summit 2012, Berlin,Germany, July 2012
Raul Schramm, Jurgen Lauterjung, Stavros Stavrou, Evagoras Charalambous. "Testbed for coexistence evaluation in TV White Spaces". Future Network and Mobile Summit (FUNEMS 2012). July 2012
Marios Raspopoulos,Beno?t Denis,Mohamed Laaraiedh,Jacobo Dom?nguez,Lorena de Celis,Dirk Slock,George Agapiou,Julien Stephan,Stavros Stavrou, "Location-Dependent Information Extraction for Positioning", International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS 2012), June 2012.
M. Raspopoulos, S. Stavrou, "Frequency Selective Buildings through Frequency Selective Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume: 59, No: 8, August 2011, Page(s): 2998-3005.
Stavrou, E. and Pitsillides, A. Vulnerability assessment of intrusion recovery countermeasures in wireless sensor networks, 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), pp. 706-712, June 28 - July 1, 2011, Kerkyra, Greece
Igor Arambasic, Javier Casajus, Benoit Denis, Mathieu Des Noes, Mohamed Laaraiedh, Bernard Uguen, Julien Stephan, Yves Lostanlen, Marios Raspopoulos, Stavros Stavrou, Jimmy J. Nielsen, Tatiana K. Madsen, Diogo M. Condeco, Ronald Raulefs,"Context-Awareness and Self-Localization in Wireless Networks: The WHERE2 Proposals"(Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011), Warsaw, June 2011
Stavrou, E. and Pitsillides, A. 2011. Combating persistent adversaries in wireless sensor networks using directional antennas, 18th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), pp. 433-438, May 8 - 11, 2011, Ayia Napa, Cyprus
J.Bastos, V. Monteiro, J. Rodriguez, R. Aguero, D. Gomez, Y. Fernandez, M. Pena, F. Baber, C. Verikoukis, J. Herrero, B. Cendon, M. Raspopoulos, S. Stavrou, M. Cabanas, J. Sainz, M. R. Santos, "Mobility concepts for IMT-Advanced", MOBIMEDIA conf, Lisbon, Sept 2010
M.Raspopoulos, S.Stavrou, "Capacity Assessment in Distributed MIMO in outdoor environments using deterministic channel Modelling", MOBIMEDIA conf, Lisbon, Sept 2010
J. Rodriguez, P. Marques, A. Radwan, K. Moessner, R. Tafazolli, M. Raspopoulos, S. Stavrou, P. Trapps, D. Noquet, K. Sithamparanathan, A.Gomes, R. Piesiewicz, H. Mokrani, A. Foglar , C. Verikoukis, Cognitive radio and cooperative strategies for power saving in multi-standard wireless devices, ICT Mobile Summit 2010, Florence, June 2010.
Raspopoulos, M.; King, P.; Stavrou, S., "Capacity of MIMO Systems in FSS environments", IET Electronic Letters, Vol. 44, Issue 4, February 14, 2008 Page(s): 304 - 305.
N. Ruivo, A. Kikilis, D. Vassis, D. Loukatos, L. Sarahs, A. Rouskas, G. Kormentzas, N. Ibrahim, A. Kokkinis, E. S. Stavrou, Cross-System Handover Execution in the context of an Event-based Distributed Virtual Testbed, 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 1-5 July 2007, Budapest, Hungary
Raspopoulos, M.; Stavrou, S., "Frequency Selective Surfaces on Building Materials - Air gap Impact", IET Electronic letters, Vol. 43, Issue 13, Page(s): 700-702, June 2007.
Raspopoulos, M., Chaudhry, F., Stavrou, S., "Radio Propagation in Frequency Selective buildings", European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT), Volume 17, Issue 3, 2006. Page(s) 407-413, Invited paper.